Friday, March 30, 2007

This too my dear will pass away!

I had a very hectic day today
Seems nothing I did went my way.
I fretted and stewed and worried,
Rushed here and there, always hurried.

Then I recalled what my granny would say,
"This too, my dear, will pass away."
Finally evening came and I was alone
With a little time to call my own.

I breathed a sigh into the air,
For now it seemed I hadn't a care.
But in my memory, I heard granny say,
"This too, my dear, will pass away."

So, I snuggled in for a good nights rest
Vowing tomorrow just to do my best
For when troubles come they never stay
And good times seem to hurry away.
Granny was right when she would say,
"This too, my dear, will pass away."

Enjoy the good times while they're here
And face the bad times without fear
For nothing on earth lasts forever
Each moment of life we must savor.
Live life and love while you may,
For this too, my dear, will pass away.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dr Juma

Anyone looking for a new Dr Surgey should most deff check this Dr Juma out he seems qualified in all fields and by the look of his surgery he seems to be going for the homeopathic natural treatments!!!! The list of treatments he has advertised are as follows as... Ill type some of them up as I dont think the picture is big enough for you all to read them...

- Bewitched Pple
- Swollen Body
- Insanity
- Madness
- Women with pregnancy problems
- Demand Debts
- Misunderstandings with people
- Court Cases
- Casino Specialist
- Bad Luck
- Customer Attraction
- ETC (thats his comment not mine)

Seems like he is a Dr, Lawyer, Social Advisor, psychic all in one wow!