Friday, November 03, 2006

2 Wolves

In a story from Native American folklore, a grandfather explains to his young grandson the inner struggle between good and evil.

"A battle goes on inside us all," the grandfather begins. "It is a battle between two wolves. One wolf is the embodiment of everything evil, like hate, anger, jealousy, resentment, greed, arrogance, lying, and selfishness. The other wolf is the embodiment of everything good, like love, joy, peace, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, compassion, truth, and faith."

The grandson thinks about those words and then asks, "Which wolf wins?"

The grandfather replies, "The one you feed."


Anonymous said...

salam hun,

There is much wisdom in native American folklore. I feel for those ppl, they have such a bloody history of oppression. Its sad, but I suppose ppl who do nurture the spiritual side of themselves are stronger in the face of such tragedy.
I don't understand how some ppl can live believing in nothing, thats like a living suicide!

Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

Yes its sad but true! Believing in nothing would be such a depressing and lifless life as in what would be there for you to look forward to etc!
Anyways I remember you emailed me a while ago about your blog! Sorry for not responding I remember not quite understanding the problemooo!!! Can you let me know your blog address again Id like to check it out insha'Allah!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, so this is how i get umba's attention, forget email/phone/carrier pigeon!!

Don't worry problems are solved alhamdulillah, but here's the blog anyway:

mwah mwah mwah

Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

lol you would be surprised ive hardly been on line especially blogging since before Ramadan but insha'Allah soon ill be back to normal and will be blogging daily insha'Allah!
Take care and come to teh shop soon on mondays remember