Friday, November 07, 2008

Itching to blog....but

My fingers are itching to blog but a certain Master Yaqub wont allow it so Ill have to save my urge for when hes sound asleep. But here is a preview...firstly alhamdulillah Miriam Ali is safe at home!

Now the preview to my urge! The world has gone Mad about Obama and to put it point blank... They need to prepare themselves for a huge let down. I hope that Im wrong here I really do but Muslims in particular have put so much hope in the 1st black president who as I heard someone on a programme describe 'is simply black on the outside' why I dont understand... perhaps its his great campaign tactics or perhaps it is because anything is better than Bush... but is someone who is recruiting hard core Zionists as his dedicated little helpers really any better??? hmmmm food for thought! I shall be back with more on this soon insha'Allah!


Anonymous said...

He reminds me a lot of Tony Blair (liar). He is no friend of islam or muslims. judge him by his actions not his words.

Mina said...

Off topic but just wanted to say...Mashallah you have such a lovely blog...keep it up sis:)

Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

I know it's a few years late but Jazakallahu Khayr Minaret for your comments... I've been away from blogging but am back now inshallah!