Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Talk about over load!

I came across this picture of how NOT to treat your pets!
Looking at the dude on the side im not sure if he has worked out why his donkey isnt moving. And I dont think its the donkey which is the stubborn one.
Looking at photos like this reminds me of the story of how the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had said that a woman was promised the hellfire for being cruel to her pet cat by not feeding it and not allowing it to be free to get its own food so it died.
For those of us who have pets or are planning to get one remember they are a trust upon us from Allah and they have rights over us to be looked after and provided for... by doing so alot of reward can be earnt but by not doing so as from the hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) a great punishment awaits!


Anonymous said...

As Salamalaikum Sis, This picture is a fake, it has to be, i don't know how it is possible, if the donkeys load got heavier it simply wouldn't move...how the heck did it start flying up in the air!! Nevertheless its HILARIOUS and is making me laugh loads, Allah swt bless you.


Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

Walaykum as salaam,
LOL its the seesaw effect remember when you were little and you went to the payground and sat on the seesaw up and down it went... some of us may have more recent memories of the seesaw lol! The luggage this man is putting on the donkey is just way too much therefore sending him up in the air. Yeah it looks funny but also remember its deff NOT a way to treat any animal, we may not be able to understand their speech but they have feelings and feel pain just as we do!
Ameen to you dua!