Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fitrah of a Child!

I have not posted for a while... Ive been trying to concentrate on preparing for Ramadan as its not too far away... I cant wait... insha'Allah Ill see if I can come up with some interesting posts on Ramadan! My little baby nephew is not too well either he has a terrible throat infection and was rushed to hospital the other night as his temp hit 102!!! Make dua he gets better soon insha'Allah!

Anyways the other day I had gone to a shop to buy some hijabs... its a really cool shop which is divided in half... half sells hijabs, jilbabs, thowbs, prayer hats, bukhur all Islamic stuff and the other half sells normal high street clothing such as jeans, tea shirts etc!
Anyways I was in there buying a few hijabs and some bukhur when this lady came in with her daughter... They were from Brazil! The lady was very very friendly. She was dressed in a very small skirt and a half bikini top which was so revealing that it literally barely covered anything at all. Anyways she had popped in and was trying on some of the dimonte jewellry the shop sells. She came and asked me and the sister who works there if it looked nice. Anyways in the mean time her little daughter who was about 6 years old had also been browsing the shop... she came up to her mum and asked if she could have something she wanted for so long... she then produced a small packet which contained an all in one childs hijab... ALLAHU AKBAR!
The lady then explained that her daughter has been asking for one for so long as she wants to cover her head Subhana'Allah I could not believe my ears! Despite the example she was being set this child whose face was shining as most kids do her natural instinct her fitrah was telling her that the hjjab was the correct way to go! Her mother had no problem at all and agreed to getting her the hijab... the sister who was working in the shop was also touched and gave the hijab as a gift to the little girl who was sooo delighted that she poured and showered kisses and hugs to us in the shop!
May Allah guide her and her family and us all to the truth ameen!


humblemuslimah said...

Mashaallah I thought that was so cute . Inshaallah let us hope that they will be guided into the deen. I hope the little one is better soon.

Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

ameen! Yes it was soo cute masha'Allah I was really touched and the little girl was soooo happy to have her hijab and it was nice that her mother although she was very indecently dressed herself did not mind her young daughter wanting the hijab!

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah, how wonderful. Hope the little babe gets better inshaAllah, its so testing when a child is ill.

Umm Yaqub Bilal said...

yes it is and you feel so helpless as there is only so much you can do! The best thing is to make dua to Allah to cure them as He is the One that cures!