Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Eleen no way have I forgotten you in fact I miss you dearly! For those of you who dont know Eleen she is a wonderful wonderful wonderful person very good friend of mine like my sister from South Africa... thats pronounced Sooouth Africa! Right Eleen?
Since you went back ive missed you alot and still remember our long talks and discussions our time we spent drinking good coffee while talking about so many interesting things... I was actually remembering just the other day how we weeded my garden porch with forks as in cutlery forks remember it was hard work but alot of fun! How are you? Email me your number again! And come back to London I miss you!
We still have to climb a mountain I say lets make it Kilimanjaro or Tabletop mountain! There is Kili on the left and tabletop on the right!
Everyone here is fine! Let me know hows it all goes down there! ooooo khan dat?

1 comment:

E.L. Wisty said...

Hi there,

Thanks for the comment in my blog! As for tips on reading the Iliad and Odyssey, I don't really have that much advice apart from that it's a good idea to get an edition that has extensive and thorough commentary. Actually, you might want to check out a site called http://www.perseus.tufts.edu. It has an extensive archive of Greek and Roman literature, with the original language text and English translation, the English text including cross-links to lexicons etc. if the reader wants more information on the proper names, place names and so on. It includes both the Iliad and the Odyssey. Click on the 'Classics' link in the upper left corner of the page, then 'Texts', and scroll down. The works are in alphabetic order.